(subtitled: “…well, I’m not fussy…”!)

James’ sister, Angela, sent me this update on Tuesday morning, December 31, 2013:

Every few days, James has to go under anesthesia to have his bandages changed. He can’t eat for a period of time before hand. This procedure occurred two days ago, December 29th, and it went well. When he awoke, he asked for a hamburger. James indicated what he wanted on this said hamburger: ketchup, mustard, relish, cheese, pickles, onions, etc., on a whole-wheat bun. Rather rings like a MacDonald’s commercial. He finished this request with, “well I’m not fussy.” The desire to fill this request was handled by Lissa Profit, who was visiting with him at this time. She made a few stops to get everything he wanted on the hamburger. It was happy days when the hamburger was delivered. I have to tell you that when I heard he requested a hamburger after coming out of the anesthesia, it warmed my heart. Generally, he doesn’t eat that much. I was glad that he had an appetite and was able to articulate the degree of his request. You see a lack of appetite is a foreign concept in my family.

I sat with him last evening and through the night. He had visitors in the evening, cousins Barb and Fred Gavin and my mother. He was alert, participating in the conversation, and seemed happy. He sometimes experiences anxiety at nighttime. As I talked with him about his anxiety, he said,” lets play a game of cards.” Now, I know what happened when he wanted to play cards with my brother Ron. So, I swallowed my pride and got the Cribbage Board out to play. Much to my delight he said, “no lets not play Crib, lets play Crazy Eights.” I was somewhat relieved, as I felt I had a chance. So we played “Crazy Eights.”

He slept well through the night and awoke with a smile on his face, feeling refreshed. He ate a full breakfast and had requested coffee, no decaf. Oh, you were probably hoping I would tell you what happened to our card game. O.k., I guess I have to come clean and tell you, he won again. Now, he may be sick with cancer, but that is where it ends. There is nothing wrong with his card playing skills. That I can attest to that.

His wish for today is to get home to the Profit Homestead for New Year’s Day. I am really in belief that he can accomplish what ever he sets his mind to. His will to live is so very strong. His desire to be among and apart of his family during this festive time, seems to have given him a sense of focus. My conversation with him, as he was leaving on Christmas Day, was that he wanted to be home for New Years Day. I can see that this wish is going to be fulfilled.

I want to thank everyone for your kind words of encouragement, support, and love. It has meant a great deal to my family. James is aware of your messages and thus is living each day to the fullest. He wants to send out a very Happy New Year to you all. In the spirit of James, “Wishing you all a most blessed 2014 and may God be with you each and everyday.”